Final Major Project

Scrap yard Garlick is a blog to document my final major project, with everything from idea's to finished products

Thursday 29 April 2010

Here We Go Now

Well it's getting very close to that significant date that they call the deadline, final hand in, submission, when all the work comes down to a single moment of release. I've not used this blog as much as i wanted to, and in some way's i knew this might end up happening, as much as i like randomly dribbling, i can find it difficult to 'pick up the pen and start' so to say. Often talked about this with other people on the course, and i think the significant problem with this fmp blog is that i could do a blog post, or i could do some 'real' work, and so neglected this space somewhat.

Anyway the deadline is near and as always the final rush is upon me, i am use to this now, and although i did plan so i would not have a build up of work at the end, the inevitable has happened, i knew that would happen now didn't i.

I've been planning my work for the past 2 weeks and remaining week so i would get everything done, prioritising my work, however a slight problem is that I've got a slight mentality that the more i do the better. Initially this is true, more cars in the scene, more variation in assets,  would give the scene more believability, but at the same time it's amazing what you can do with so little. so I'm trying to get the key points that need to be done, and so not too worry about the endless stuff i 'could' do.

Now a week before deadline and I'm blogging, but didn't i just say i could be doing 'real' work instead of this, well you could always be doing something else, but I've not had a brilliantly productive day, and so feel slightly disheartened by that, and i know just doing a blog can help with sorting thoughts and helps the brain organize it's thoughts. on the note of organisation, organisation has helped me tremendously in this project, I've had a file system i could understand throughout, and actually anyone could look trough my folders and find what they were looking for.

Right well i think that's enough, i do feel better now, also as I'm writing my design document at the moment some of that randomness can be put into sense... yeah I'm stopping now, until that next time...

Wednesday 14 April 2010


Been working on some tools while at home (can only do complecated stuff when in the labs...), has been fun to do just simpler stuff again, also note the famous game 'tools'.

Broom: 102 Tris
Spade: 53 Tris
Sledge Hammer: 124 Tris
Crowbar: 168 Tris
Wrench: 210 Tris

Sunday 11 April 2010

Where We At Now

Well, it's quite in hear isn't it, have to do something about that now won't we. The reason i've not really posted up much for a while is every time i consider doing so i just think, well i could get some 'actual' work done instead, and so i've neglected this space. However it's currently half eleven at night, i was doing work but have come to an abrupt stop, so thought i'd done some random dribbling's.

Okay lets bring it up to some sort of speed...

So this is where i'm at at the moment, i am further behind than i wanted to be for a number of reason's i'll go into later, but it's coming together nicely now, starting to feel like an actually scrap yard area. just need to keep populating it with all the stuff a scrap yard is full of.

 Asset's For The Yard

Now as i've just seen my last post was a wip of the E-Type, well i'd like to say here it is finished, but what i'd like to say isn't always what i can. Anyway one of the reason's i'm behind is because of this car, i decided to apply for the BMW internship (yes i know British car German company), and so modelled this car to a higher tri count, and then did a render using mental ray and all kinds of funky shaders and lighting rigs. I'm happy with what i produced, just spent longer on it that in the original timeplan.

Here's the in game model, coming in at just over 19,00 tris, just need to figure out how to make a decent car shader in unreal, do-able yes, how soon is another matter.

Well that's enough for this post i reckon, but now i've updated i know i'm more likly to just do little updates, guess only times going to tell, see you round.

Wednesday 17 February 2010


Further on the Jaguar, most of the modeling done now, just need to sort the interior and clean some bits up.

Main Gate

Concepts for the main gate, went for the middle one in the end, looked the best i think and was also the style of gate used in my main scrap yard reference.

And here's the model, which is now in unreal as well.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Jaguar E-type

Well i've done a few things since my last update, and i'll put them on here soon but for now here's my model so far of the Jaguar E-Type (Exact model is an 1969-71 Jaguar E-Type Series 2 OTS 4.2L). For the first day it's going pretty well which is always a good thing, hope to have the modeling done pretty soon.



The Real Thing!

I think i've kept a pretty good smooth mesh so far, which is down to using turbo smooth every so often to check the flow lines, if it turbo smooths well then they must be good! but it is great way of checking your models flow lines.

oh yeah the other updates will come soon, but i'm excited about this right now, so untill then...

Friday 29 January 2010

Thtas Unreal Man!

Have put a couple of thingsinto the new unreal now, and so far no trouble... hmmm must be lurking around the corner somewhere.

Anyways here's the Cortina, almost there with this now.

And the office for the yard, both models need speculars and normals still.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Prefab Structure

Decided to start something else along side as to mix things up (not because i left my files at home at all...). And this will be one of the main asset's so seem'd like a good starting point, plus it's basically a box. Anyway's modeled and uv'd, just get some old moldy cracked paint broken rotted used textures on there (think that sums up the texture).

Oh and another point i'm thinkin of using the paralax mapping in unreal to give the impression of the inside, so we'll see how that goes.

What's that there something missing... it's car in a scrap yard, you expect the whole car?

Little more of the cortina, mostly finished now, few bits and bob's (oh and the engine... or maybe thats been took out...) and i've uv'd the body work. Used headus for the first time so took a little longer while i got to grips with the program, but works fairly well for objects with complecated shapes. anyway hope to have this textured soon.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Cortina Update

Pretty much finished the body work of the car now.

Cortina Progress

2,000 tri mark, got the overall shape pretty much done, needs some cleaning, and got the inside of the bonet all done. Actual interia next i think.

Monday 11 January 2010